Interesting sunday !!
News from the front !
To be Christian in France it's very hard! Is not easy to find a good community. Again this morning we went to the Lutheran church....It was very weird. The people are so old. The average age is around 70 years. There were just two kids (pastor's kids). We spoke with a lady who worked for Christian non-profit and she just said young people don't go to the church, even if they have the both parents who are christian they don't go. It's so sad.
The problem is from France maybe?? You know this famous right that we call Laicité/ Secular state à la française. Do you know this wonderful concept ? If you are lucky when you are walking in the street or when you are taking a coffee from the ATM for hot drinks you can have wonderful discussions with people who believe that they found their salvation in the Déclaration des droits de l'homme/The declaration of the human rights. One day I spoke with one of my bosses about the Bible. She just replied that we don't know who wrote it. So how can we believe in a book without an author???? Just after she said you know with the Declaration of human rights we know who wrote it. So we can believe in it!! And trust it ........All this heritage......There are lot of churches in France without Christians. I have the hope that one day France will get up from this nightmare. But when I see people like my parents who are involved in a Church in a little city just in the middle of nowhere.....when I listened my mother who says we are the church of tomorrow.....
As you can imagine to be an international couple is not easy every-day! But to be an interconfessional couple is just INTERESTING. To deal with the backgrounds of the other one. When we decided to make our life together. The first question wasn't where do we want to live ? But it was which church ??? ............................The best answer was the anglican church. Which balances our two backgrounds. Which is very important for our future family....
The answer isn't to be from this blue churh or from this red church. But to be Christian in this world and to have respect for all the Christian congregations. If we make this effort maybe the church will get up. As you know I am from the Catholic Church and I love it and I go to a protestant church. We'll raise our kids with respect for both. Because we have family who are from different churches.
Virginie out!!