American like Normandy

Friday, August 25, 2006

The Frog of War

Ok, read that how you like. I'm sure you've heard all that stuff about how this cease-fire is just a pause so Hezb0llah can lick its wounds, and I agree pretty much with all that. France has fortunately decided to kick in 2k soldats for the Unifil force...for as paltry as that seems I think we can be thankful it's not fewer. 20 years ago under the socialists, we couldn't even throw that many around.

On to more important things. My buddy Sam is starting school at Duke Divinity, and I think that's outright cool! Work will be picking back up for me in September, which is cool too. Virginie will be piling on her courseload starting October.

Tomorrow, we are going somewhere near Saverne for a hike. It's a nice little area stoked with history and scenery.

Last weekend we went to Paris...the sis-in-law had the idea so Virginie and I drove down to Rupt on Friday afternoon, then we all piled in with Ray and Colette and headed over to Paris. While the wimmins on Saturday spent 10 hours in the "Big Stores" (Grands Magasins), me and Ray bought cool army surplus at a famous fleamarket (les puces de St. Ouen) and then spent the late afternoon on a 5km stomp through Paris.

Tonight, though, a LOTR marathon -- we're going to watch the first two. Fun stuff.

John out.


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